Lena and her friend Honey have been extremely busy for you. The two girls collected a sheer mass of toys and spread it all out on the floor.
6 small police cars, 8 medium size cars, 5 large cars, 2 Bruder trucks, 16 model train waggons, 2 guitars, a keyboard and even a model speed boat – everything is there. Both brats decide not to leave a single item intact, so they begin to play with the items, wearing just socks. They rearrange some toy cars to form a catwalk and start the crushing by several full weight sock walkovers.
Later they put on their sneakers as it is time for some hard stomping and trampling. You will be astonished, how much phantasy and how many different ideas those two crush bitches have to destroy each object individually, only using their feet. Everything is going to waste as the girls create a gigantic mess!